

At Wesley, assessments are viewed as an opportunity for both formative and summative review allowing for setting clear goals for student learning and measurement of performance growth. We believe that assessments should be used as a tool to provide feedback for teachers, parents and students in order to improve teaching effectiveness and student learning.

General grading components are listed as below:
  • Classroom Participation: includes, but not limited to anecdotal notes, observation, attendance, listening to, responding and making contribution to instructional activities.
  • Projects: includes but not limited to projects, oral presentation, pair/group work performance, and skit. Detailed information, including project instruction and rubrics, will be given at least two weeks before its due date. 
  • Tests/Quizzes: includes, but not limited to oral and written quizzes and tests.
  • Homework: includes, but not limited to independent study of Chinese websites, vocabulary and handout review, character practices, story reading and additional Chinese culture studies. The format and frequency of homework will vary from class to class due to the years of Chinese studies and proficiency levels. 
STAMP (STAndards-based Measurement of Proficiency)
STAMP is an externally-developed, web-based and computer-adaptive assessment that determines language proficiency in 4 domains (Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking). It uses real-world questions that engage learners and help students understand their own proficiency levels. 

DAKAO is an internally-developed Chinese proficiency test for students in grade 2-5 & 6-8. It is administered in the beginning and end of each school year. The data collected is used as benchmarks to measure students' language proficiency gains, provide feedback for instructional planning, determine future class placement and improve student learning. The test format and content will be varied due to each individual's cognitive development and language proficiency levels. With the implementation of both DAKAO and STAMP, we are given more data to precisely evaluate our instructional practices and students performance growth.



Oral Proficiency Interview

Skills Tested

Test Format


Individually administered measure of Chinese reading, listening and speaking proficiency


Listening Comprehension True or False
Picture Describing

20 to 25

Self, Daily Routines, Numbers, Colors, Body Parts, Weather/Season, Family/Friends, Direction, Calendar/Time, Clothing, Places/Geography, Animals, School/Classroom, Furniture, Food/Beverage, Community, Shopping/Stores, Leisure/Activities

GRADE 2 - 8 

Benchmark Level

Skills Tested

Test Format


Level 1
(GRADE 2 & 3)

Reading  Listening
Culture Awareness

Multiple Choices
True or False


Level 2
(GRADE 4 & 5)

Listening Writing

Multiple Choices
True or False Matching
Character Writing


Level 3
(GRADE 6, 7, 8)

Reading  Listening Writing
Culture Awareness

Multiple Choices
True or False Matching
Character Writing


At Wesley, we use ACTFL's proficiency guideline to determine students' Chinese proficiency levels. Similar to ACTFL's description, we break students proficiency level down to pre-novice, low, mid, and high. At Novice Level, students are expected to employ their knowledge and skills to complete the reading and listening questions in regards to life-related topics. Their performances will differ due to the levels of understanding in simple and formulaic utterances, the ability to recognize the main idea of the text, and the ability to apply the learned phrases and basic vocabulary in various life situation.

For the writing, it will be assessed starting from Dakao Level 1. Students are expected to demonstrate their developing understanding of 500 Chinese characters based upon their varied proficiency levels. (Detailed info can be found at Wesley written curriculum.)  Students at the novice high level are expected to produce more complex words, phrases, grammar structures in sentences according to the given context.

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